Monitoring the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

The EOSC Observatory is a policy intelligence tool being developed by the EOSC Future project for monitoring policies, practices, and impacts related to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will support the EOSC community in tracking the implementation of EOSC and the policy makers in developing actionable policies.

Explore the EOSC Observatory

EOSC Monitoring Ecosystem

The implementation and uptake of EOSC is being monitored in varying capacities and by various stakeholders at institutional, national, and European levels. Four key monitoring activities can be identified by the EOSC Steering Board, EOSC Association, and EOSC Ecosystem which are being implemented via data collection surveys

Indicators to Monitor EOSC Partnership

The EOSC Association has developed indicators to monitor the implementation of the EOSC Partnership by members via an annual survey on Key Performance Indicators

Contributions to EOSC Partnership

The EOSC Association will monitor the financial and in-kind contributions to the EOSC Partnership by members via an annual survey on the Additional Activities Plan

Policies Relevant for EOSC Ecosystem

Various stakeholders in the EOSC ecosystem (including projects and experts) are monitoring the implementation and uptake of EOSC via surveys on policies relevant for EOSC

EOSC Observatory Dashboard

The EOSC Observatory consists of an interactive dashboard for users to visualise and exploit data collected by surveys on the implementation and uptake of EOSC in Europe. The EOSC Observatory currently presents data on the EOSC readiness of countries from the survey on National Contributions to EOSC 2021 for the EOSC Steering Board

Coming soon

EOSC Observatory Country Pages

The EOSC Observatory will not only provide an interactive dashboard to exploit survey data collected by key EOSC stakeholders, but will also provide country pages that present the updated state-of-play, key statistics, and relevant contacts and links for EOSC for each country. The country pages are being developed by EOSC Future and are coming soon!

EOSC Observatory receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under EOSC Future (No. 101017536).